ERP Security Best Practices: Does Your ERP Have These Features?

Written by Gregg Mercede | Aug 15, 2022 12:13:02 PM

In the wake of several major cyberattacks, businesses across all industries have been reevaluating their security protocols and best practices. While virtually any digital asset is vulnerable to cyber attack, ERP software is a particularly appealing target because of the amount of critical business data that it contains. 

With that in mind, Cloud 9 ERP Solutions has created this guide to ERP security best practices and features. Leading cloud ERP software like Acumatica has a multitude of security features that can help keep your mission-critical data secure. Can you say the same about your ERP solution? 
Read on to find out how your current technology suite stacks up. 

When comparing your ERP solution to leading-edge options, you should consider features like:

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication, more commonly referred to as two-factor authentication, is a great way of increasing network security. As the name suggests, users must validate their identity through at least two different factors. For instance, they can be required to enter a password and swipe their ID badge.

Multi-factor authentication has been more important than ever due to the widespread adoption of remote or hybrid work. When most of your ERP data is cloud-based, user credential data is much more accessible to hackers. 

Therefore, it is recommended that you require all employees to provide two-factor authentication when accessing any of your company’s assets. This universal approach can drastically reduce your vulnerability to cyber threats. 

Acumatica cloud ERP provides mechanisms to support multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized system access. See how easy it is to enable multi-factor authentication in Acumatica in the demo video below:


Software Updates

Does your ERP software automatically push software updates, or does your IT team have to check for them manually? If you still rely on manual update processes, you had better maintain a precise network maintenance schedule. Otherwise, you may be inadvertently leaving your company vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Modern ERP software is cloud-based. As a result, it is managed by the developers. This ensures that all updates are pushed out on time, reducing your exposure to cybercrime. 

A Cloud-Based Architecture

Are you still relying on an on-premises ERP solution due to the false belief that it is more secure?

Contrary to popular belief, on-premises solutions are not more secure than cloud-based alternatives. In fact, they may even be more vulnerable. 

Another downside to on-premises ERP software is that it is incredibly expensive to maintain. Your organization must maintain servers and other hardware. When you need additional storage space, you must purchase new servers and auxiliary components. 

Best Practices for Optimizing ERP Software 

Investing in the right ERP software will certainly help make your data more secure. However, you will also need to adhere to established best practices. You should:

Engage in Regular Testing

Performing penetration and vulnerability testing will help you uncover previously undiscovered vulnerabilities in your network. From there, you can work to remedy these weaknesses and protect yourself from cyber threats. When testing is used in conjunction with security audits, you can optimize the efficacy of your cybersecurity strategy. 

Monitor Your Network

In addition to testing, you must constantly monitor your ERP network. This is particularly true if you are still relying on an on-premises solution, as you do not have the support of an outside developer. This is one of the many reasons that cloud-based ERP software is becoming the go-to option for companies in a variety of industries. 

Create a Response Plan

Should a bad actor ever penetrate your ERP software, it is vital that you and your team are prepared. That is why you need to create a comprehensive response plan. Ensure that the plan is distributed to anyone who may be involved in the response.

Upgrade Your ERP Software with Acumatica and Cloud 9 ERP Solutions

Is your current ERP software lacking one or more security features and tools? If so, then it is well past time for an upgrade. Cyberattacks are steadily on the rise and have the potential to cripple your business. Therefore, you must take a proactive approach to security by investing in a leading-edge solution like Acumatica ERP software.

Acumatica is built to meet the exacting security standards of today’s enterprise businesses. In addition to industry best-practices around data security and privacy, you get customizable, role-based permissions that ensure you can safely collaborate inside and outside your organization.

Now, all you need is to choose the right partner to manage your migration to Acumatica. That is where we come in. As a Gold Certified Acumatica Partner, Cloud 9 ERP Solutions has the knowledge and expertise necessary to facilitate a seamless transition. To learn more, book a no-obligation demo today.

Learn more about role-based security in Acumatica below: