Cloud 9 ERP Solutions Blog

Resiliency New Normal

Resiliency: Surviving When New Normals are the New Normal

As every pundit would say, “these are unprecedented times” and “we live in a new normal.” While both are reasonably true statements, the business world has been experiencing a series of new normals for decades. Ecommerce? Not really a thing until the late 90s. Cell phones? Most of them had keyboards a decade ago. The cloud? Was still being denounced as a fringe technology as little as five years ago.

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cybersecurity for AV companies

Cybersecurity Matters: Why the Cloud Delivers Fewer Hassles for AV Firms

Once upon a time, A/V was simple. Wire it up, plug it in, and turn it on. While the analog days made for easy set-up, they also created hassles and headaches. Does your client have a problem? Guess what, you’re driving out to fix it or on the phone helping them troubleshoot. Not only did this take out of your day, it wasn’t client-focused. If something went down, they had to wait for you to come fix it.

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field service inventory management

Field Service: Tracking Inventory in Real Time—No Matter Where It Is

Many businesses carry inventory. Whether it’s a distributor working to move the inventory from supplier to customer, a manufacturer who needs to convert raw materials to finalized goods, or a retailer who needs to carry enough products to satisfy a customer demand, field service businesses need to know what they have available and know when to reorder.

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Should You Consider an eCommerce Initiative as a Manufacturer?

Times have changed. Whether you’re reading this in the midst of the pandemic or after everything has gone back to normal, you know that the way businesses operate has evolved, and success relies on your ability to be adaptable. But the times have been changing for a while now—and not just because of the Coronavirus outbreak. Over the past decade, everything from manufacturing processes to the way goods are purchased has changed, and it pays to stay ahead.

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Everest ERP Replacement Finding the Right Partner

Descending Everest: Why the Right Partner Matters More for Companies Leaving This Legacy ERP Product

Are you still using Everest ERP? Have you ever wondered if there was anything better out there? After all, you clicked on this blog for a reason, so we can safely assume the answer to both questions is yes. But as you consider the move from a legacy product to a modern solution, you may have experienced a variety of pitfalls that stopped you from making the move. Today, we would like to discuss why the Cloud 9 ERP Solutions team and Acumatica can help you overcome them.

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fourth era ERP

The Fourth Era of ERP: What a New Generation of Product Means for End Users

The word unprecedented has been used a lot recently. Unprecedented times. Unprecedented changes. What about unprecedented opportunities? Despite the recent downturn that came as a result of shutdown orders and quarantines, up until March, we spent a decade watching growth. Once this all ends, confidence will return and so will the growth. The question, will you be ready?

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field service management about

Field Service: The Necessary Elements of Service Management

Fill in the blank: “____ happens.” For a lot of companies who specialize in field service, this isn’t just a well-known concept, it’s a fair portion of your revenue stream. Things break down. People get viruses on their computers. Parts need replaced. Often, this is just as—if not more important to a revenue stream as “preemptively repairing equipment so ____ doesn’t happen.”

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