Cloud 9 ERP Solutions Blog


What’s New in Acumatica 2019 R1?

Acumatica is designed for its customers, built to make it easier for end users to do their jobs. However, there is no such thing as complacency for the firm, and they continually work to make improvements to the product. Whether they are compliance necessities, interface improvements, or better integrations, Acumatica continues to make twice-yearly improvements based on customer requests, with the most recent update, R1 2019 featuring big changes to make the product better.

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Descending Everest: User Challenges from Legacy ERP

Everest Software (also known as iCode) had its time in the sun. Once considered an innovator in the early 2000s, the company reached its peak in 2004 before it began its decline, culminating in a 2007 acquisition by a “revitalization” firm who specializes in gutting companies and doing just enough support to keep clients paying a maintenance contract. Today, the platform is held together by rubber bands, custom code, and a small network of companies who do what they can to keep it together.

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The Slow Season: How Ecommerce Brands Can Prepare for the Year Ahead

February is upon us, and for many retailers both online and in-store, this time of year represents the “slow season,” a time when your customers are repaying credit cards from the holidays, saving up for vacations, or working on New Year’s resolutions. For organizations like yours, this is the time to start planning for the times in the coming year when it will be “all hands on deck.”

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Choosing a Field Service Management Software: Features to Look For

Deploying a business management solution is a challenge for many businesses—especially those who can’t afford a day away from their software. For growing field services businesses, finding the right solution is even harder due to the unique needs that present themselves. As a company with a storied history delivering ERP for field services businesses, we would today like to explore an overview of some of the things you should look for.

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Three Secrets for Completing a Successful ERP Implementation

The reality is clear, the cloud has won and organizations are moving to SaaS ERP in increasing numbers. As with any ERP implementation, however, the path to making a change is by no means an easy excursion. Regardless of whether cloud ERP is easier to implement than an on-premises ERP, the process still presents risks that an organization may not receive the expected value or the culture may not embrace the change. Failure is still very much a possibility, but there are still some best practices to deliver a successful implementation with minimal risk.

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