Cloud 9 ERP Solutions Blog


Food MRP: What Food Manufacturers Need in ERP

Food manufacturers need more than basic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. The nature of food manufacturing is such that a Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) solution is essential for profitable operations. We are able to offer some insights into this requirement, based on our extensive experience working with food manufacturers. Learn more about ERP for food manufacturers.

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5 Risks of Staying on Legacy ERP Software

Before we get started, we want you to know that we hear you. We understand. Your current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) took a lot of time and money to set up. But, as we both know, changes are heading your way. Now is the time to think hard about what’s coming next. It’s also a good moment to consider the risks of staying on legacy ERP.

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Acumatica 2019 R2: New Demo Videos Available

With two major product releases every year, Acumatica cloud ERP improvements consistently increase usability, resulting in high end-user satisfaction. In fact, Acumatica has received high marks for their usability and user satisfaction by more than several renowned research and advisory companies.

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Acumatica: Advantages in Field Service Delivery

Field service is an area of business operations that looks easy, but isn’t. That’s because so many companies do it badly. Let’s say your refrigerator breaks. You call for a service appointment. They say they’ll be there between two and four, just in time for hundreds of dollars’ worth of food to go bad. They actually show up at six, only to discover that they’re missing a critical part. They’ll be back the next day, between and two and four... Meanwhile, you’re in a mood to call someone else.

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Reducing Food Waste With ERP Software

Food waste is a serious problem. With hunger a pervasive crisis in much of the world, it’s simply wrong to waste food. Additionally, growing food that won’t get eaten is bad for the environment. It wastes resources and causes pollution. And, if nothing else, wasting food is the same as wasting money. It’s bad for business. The scale of food waste is a real eye-opener, too. Per capita, North Americans and Europeans throw out over 200 pounds of food a year—worth about $165 billion in the US alone. While some food waste is probably unavoidable, there are many ways to reduce it. Technology can help. Advances in Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) software now give food producers and distributors new ways to cut down on waste.

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How the CIO Lost Control

Is the CIO going extinct? While it may be premature to proclaim the end of the Chief Information Officer in corporate life, the role is definitely facing existential challenges unlike any that have come before. Non-tech executives are taking IT matters into their own hands, often with sub-optimal results. The CIO does, and should, have an important role to play in making technology a key element of strategic success. The challenge for the CIO is to regain control.

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4 Reasons Audio Visual Companies Need ERP Software

Those in the Audio Visual (AV) industry realized the importance of handling many moving parts simultaneously, but this isn’t always as easy as it sounds. To succeed in this rising industry, balancing distribution and inventory management, contract and professional services management, and field service management is key.

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Utilizing Cloud ERP in Field Service Management

Companies in the Field Service industry have different needs than businesses that work predominantly in office. Employees are working remotely and have limited contact with supervisors and other team members. It comes as no surprise that field service companies require the proper technology to ensure that all employees are connected and able to conduct business just as smoothly as in-house staff.

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